
BALSIS youth choir undertook its second tour in Asia from July 26, 2016. The choir performed 3 superb concerts at the 13th International Choral Festival in Beijing powerfully representing Latvian choral culture. Three hundred choirs from 28 countries performed to full houses at the festival, which was organised by China’s Ministry of Culture. The festival is a part of the mutual co-operation programme between Latvia and China. Currently the choir is taking part in the 13th International Choral Festival in Taipei. On August 6, the choir will have a unique opportunity to present a two-part concert in one of the best concert venues in Asia – The Taiwan National Concert Hall, which has a capacity of more than 2000 seats. ( http://ej.uz/artstickets )

The choir’s artistic director Ints Teterovskis stated, with a hint of humour “During this Asian tour not only can we showcase the choir but also rejoice in, and be proud of, the popularity of Latvian choral music and composers, since composers such as Esenvalds, Dubra and Praulins are represented in the repertoires of choirs from around the world, BUT most importantly, the Asian tour provided us with an opportune training ground to prepare for the DAUGAVA’S VOICES (DAUGAVAS BALSIS) concert series.”

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